Solving Inequalities – Two Variable & Quadratic

Solving Inequalities Do you want to know more about inequalities? What are inequalities? How can you solve inequalities? Inequalities are equations where the values are not equal. It uses the symbols not equal to (≠), greater than (>), greater than or equal to (≥), less than(<) or less than or equal to (≤). The solution …

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Triangle Intercept Theorem

If CB and DE are parallel, the ratio of CD to DA and the ratio of BE to EA are equal. In other words, CD/DA = BE/EA . This is often a useful way of solving triangle problems and can be derived from the properties of similar triangles.

Sine and Cosine Formulae

Want to download the Proportions revision notes in PDF format? Want to download the Sine and Cosine revision notes in PDF format? sin x = sin (180 – x)e.g. sin 130 = sin (180 – 130) = sin 50 cos x = -cos (180 – x) The Sine Rule:This works in any triangle:  a   …

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Sin, Cos, Tan Graphs

In any right angled triangle, for any angle: The sine of the angle = the length of the opposite sidethe length of the hypotenuse The cosine of the angle = the length of the adjacent sidethe length of the hypotenuse The tangent of the angle = the length of the opposite sidethe length of the …

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Similar Triangles

If two shapes are similar, one is an enlargement of the other. This means that the two shapes will have the same angles and their sides will be in the same proportion (e.g. the sides of one triangle will all be 3 times the sides of the other etc.). angle A = angle D angle …

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Want to download the Probability revision notes in PDF format? Introduction Probability is the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. Probability = the number of ways of achieving success the total number of possible outcomes For example, the probability of flipping a coin and it being heads is ½, because there is 1 way …

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